Testosterone Therapy: Risks & Benefits for Older Men
Tuesday, December 8th, 2015

As part of the natural aging process in men, they undergo male hormone imbalance where the number of their vital hormones drop and increase their risk for different health problems.There are different types of hormone imbalance in men.

  •  Andropause – low testosterone levels caused by a decline in testosterone production.
  • Low DHEA level – waning levels of DHEA are linked to low T production.
  • Adrenal fatigue – inability of the adrenal gland to keep up with the body’s high demand for cortisol production, leading to chronic stress.
  • Hypothyroidism – low thyroid hormone caused by an underactive thyroid.
  • Hyperthyroidism – high thyroid hormone caused by an overactive thyroid.
  • Low HGH level – a deficiency where the pituitary gland fails to produce enough growth.

In every problem, there is a solution. With male hormone imbalance, natural testosterone replacement therapy for men could help. Listed below are the risks and benefits of natural testosterone replacement therapy for older men.
What is Natural Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Men?
Natural Testosterone Replacement Therapy for men uses naturally derived hormones that are identical to the hormones the human body normally produces. It is used to correct testosterone hormone imbalance or deficiency. In general, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy or BHRT is the science of modulating hormone levels in order to maintain optimal physiological levels.
Unlike conventional hormone therapy, which uses synthetic hormones derived from animals, BHRT is much safer and much more effective.
What are its benefits?

There are numerous benefits a man can get after undergoing natural testosterone replacement therapy. Here are several of them:
  • Improved muscle strength and bone mineral density
  • Optimal red blood cell and hemoglobin production
  • Improved energy levels
  • Improved fat loss and muscle tone
  • Improved sex drive and performance
  • Re-growth of hair on the scalp
  • Decreased joint pain and muscle aches
  • Protection against heart diseases
  • And much, much more

More than these benefits, you could return to your optimal physical, sexual, mental, and emotional health just like in your 20s and 30s.
What are the risks?
There are minimal to no side effects because the hormone levels are maintained in the physiologic or normal range, especially when monitored by a hormone specialist.
However, a study conducted in 1999 published in Drugs & Aging Volume 15, testosterone therapy can result in polycythemia vera and possible sleep apnea. These unfavorable effects could be dangerous in men with compromised cardiovascular systems.
If you’re interested in considering natural testosterone replacement therapy in Michigan to correct your male hormone imbalance, find a trusted specialist near you.

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Hormonal Imbalance
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