Blood testing is used to determine a wide range of health markers. Combined with a saliva test for hormone levels, this test provides your doctor with a complete picture of your overall health status. Blood spot testing is also a safe, easy and accurate test that can be done in the privacy of your home. Based on these test results, your doctor will design a health-promoting lifestyle program. We test for:

  • Total cholesterol: The total level of cholesterol in your blood, including both “good” and “bad” cholesterol.
  • HDL cholesterol: Known as the “good” cholesterol, HDL cholesterol has been shown to have a protective effect against heart disease.
  • LDL cholesterol: The direct measure of LDL (the “bad” cholesterol) is among the most accurate ways to measure blood levels of this lipid. Elevated LDL levels are linked to increased heart attack and stroke risk.
  • Triglycerides: Triglycerides are another form of blood lipid, or fat, and is also considered “bad” cholesterol. They are a good indication of the amount of saturated fat in your diet. Elevated triglycerides are associated with increased risk of developing vascular diseases such as heart disease and stroke.
  • Glucose: Blood glucose levels are used to diagnose pre-diabetes, or insulin resistance, and diabetes. Elevated glucose is linked to a host of degenerative diseases including damage to vital organs such as the heart, kidneys, eyes, liver, vascular system, and nerves. Control of blood glucose levels will prevent all of these potential complications of high blood glucose levels.
  • Hemoglobin A1c: This test is used to measure the average of your blood glucose levels over a 3-month period. It’s very helpful in determining how efficiently your body is clearing glucose from the bloodstream.
  • Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA). The PSA test is used to assess the health of a man’s prostate gland. Elevated PSA levels can indicate benign prostatic hyperplasia or possibly prostate cancer.
  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH): The TSH test is used to measure the health of your thyroid gland, which controls your metabolism among other vital functions. TSH is responsible for stimulating your thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormone.

The Process of Collecting Blood Using Blood Spot Testing

Blood spot testing is a painless, easy way to measure markers of health and/or hormones in blood. Collect your blood spot samples in the morning before eating or drinking. The procedure consists of a small prick of the finger (using a tiny lancet needle) and placing blood drops on a filter card. It’s that simple! This process takes less than a few minutes and can be done in the comfort and convenience of your home.

All supplies needed are conveniently included in our blood spot test kit including: forms and instructions, finger stick supplies (alcohol wipe, two lancet needles, filter paper for the blood sample, gauze pad, band-aid), and a preaddressed, prepaid mailing envelope for the blood sample. No special handling is required for the dry blood spot sample.

Why Choose Genemedics Health Institute for Your Blood Spot Testing?

When using Genemedics Health Institute for your blood spot testing, you are not only receiving the most accurate, reliable test results; but you also gain access to intepretation and recommendations from the best bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and preventive medicine medical doctors in the country. Furthermore, with Genemedics Health Institute lab testing, you have access to Genemedics Nutrition products, which are the highest quality, pharmaceutical-grade supplements available. Aside from our elite medical doctors, Genemedics Health Institute offers the best services and the most affordable prices. When it comes to lab testing and your health, only trust the best. Genemedics Health Institute medical doctors are simply the best!

Call 800-277-4041 for a Free Consultation

What to expect during your consultation:
  • Usually takes 15-30 minutes
  • Completely confidential
  • No obligation to purchase anything
  • We will discuss your symptoms along with your health and fitness goals
  • Free post-consult access for any additional questions you may have
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GenemedicsÂŽ Health Institute is a global premier institute dedicated to revolutionizing health and medicine through healthy lifestyle education, guidance and accountability in harmony with functional medicine. Our physician-supervised health programs are personally customized to help you reach your health and fitness goals while looking and feeling better than ever.


Free Consultation


Call 800-277-4041 for a Free Consultation

What to expect during your consultation:

  • Usually takes 15-30 minutes
  • Completely confidential
  • No obligation to purchase anything
  • We will discuss your symptoms along with your health and fitness goals
  • Free post-consult access for any additional questions you may have
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