Tuesday, April 3rd, 2018


Nutrition Consulting
Tuesday, April 3rd, 2018

Nutrition Consulting Have you ever heard the saying “The power of food”? At Genemedics Health Institute, we educate our patients about the incredible power of food and its place in our society. Studies have shown that food has drug-like effects on the human brain. Certain chemicals are released that can give people a temporary sense … Continue reading "Nutrition Consulting" READ MORE

Life Style consulting
Tuesday, April 3rd, 2018

Life Style consulting The fountain of youth is real – it’s just not what fantasy books described it to be. Slowing down or even reversing the effects of aging is a function of proper nutrition, physical activity, healthy living habits and hormone replacement therapy whenever necessary. Here at the Genemedics Health Institute, we provide anti-aging … Continue reading "Life Style consulting" READ MORE

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Thursday, August 10th, 2017

Hormone balance is crucial for optimal health and well-being. Throughout your body, hormones work together in a careful balance to control many organs and biological processes. When the delicate, youthful balance between these hormones is disturbed, you begin to experience symptoms of hormone imbalance and your risk of many chronic diseases such as heart disease … Continue reading "Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy" READ MORE

Medical Weight Loss
Saturday, August 5th, 2017

Prescription Weight Loss Meds Obesity has received considerable attention as a major health hazard. Worldwide, at least 2.8 million overweight or obese people die due to adverse metabolic effects on blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides (type of fat in the blood) and insulin. Risks of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and various cancers increase steadily with increasing … Continue reading "Medical Weight Loss" READ MORE

Blood Spot Lab Testing
Saturday, August 5th, 2017

Blood testing is used to determine a wide range of health markers. Combined with a saliva test for hormone levels, this test provides your doctor with a complete picture of your overall health status. Blood spot testing is also a safe, easy and accurate test that can be done in the privacy of your home. … Continue reading "Blood Spot Lab Testing" READ MORE

Saliva Lab Testing
Saturday, August 5th, 2017

Saliva Lab Testing for Hormone Levels Saliva testing for hormones is conducted with a simple saliva sample. The sample can be collected in the comfort and privacy of your own home. Genemedics Health Institute hormone saliva test measures steroid hormones (sex hormones and adrenal hormones) including: Estradiol: Estradiol is the strongest form of the three … Continue reading "Saliva Lab Testing" READ MORE

Blood Lab Testing
Saturday, August 5th, 2017

Genemedics Health Institute Test for Hormone Imbalance Your Genemedics Health Institute hormone therapy and health restoration program begins with hormone testing. We use the most advanced testing available to determine your levels of hormones and various health markers. Once we have this information, your Genemedics Health Institute doctor will design a custom program based on … Continue reading "Blood Lab Testing" READ MORE

Hormone Replacement Therapy
Friday, August 4th, 2017

Hormone balance is crucial for optimal health and well-being. Throughout your body, hormones work together in a careful balance to control many organs and biological processes. When the delicate, youthful balance between these hormones is disturbed, you begin to experience symptoms of hormone imbalance and your risk of many chronic diseases such as heart disease … Continue reading "Hormone Replacement Therapy" READ MORE

Hormone Replacement For Women
Thursday, August 3rd, 2017

Natural Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women The menopause transition years (i.e., perimenopause, menopause and postmenopause) are a natural part of aging. During this transition, there is a gradual loss of ovarian function, which results in low hormone levels and infertility. Although menopause typically occurs during the early 50s, transitional hormonal changes typically begin years … Continue reading "Hormone Replacement For Women" READ MORE

Hormone Replacement For Men
Thursday, August 3rd, 2017

Natural Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men We have good news! Those symptoms you’ve noticed creeping up on you over the years are not “just a part of getting older” or a midlife crisis. Many of the symptoms we associate with male aging are actually due to a natural, age-related decline in hormone levels. The … Continue reading "Hormone Replacement For Men" READ MORE

Gourmet Foods
Thursday, August 3rd, 2017


Nutritional Supplements
Thursday, August 3rd, 2017

Nutritional Supplementation Some medical doctors and nutritionists do not find nutritional supplements necessary or beneficial. They feel that all of our necessary nutrients can be obtained from whole foods. It is true that food can provide all of the nutrients required by the human body; however, eating would need to become a full-time job to … Continue reading "Nutritional Supplements" READ MORE

Exercise Consulting
Thursday, August 3rd, 2017

Exercise Every man is enthusiastic at times. One man has enthusiasm for thirty minutes, another man has it for thirty days, but it is the man who has it for thirty years who makes a success in life. —Edward B. Butler Changing your lifestyle does not happen overnight—it can take months or even years to … Continue reading "Exercise Consulting" READ MORE

Lab Testing
Thursday, August 3rd, 2017

About  Testing Your Genemedics Health Institute bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and preventive health program begins with lab testing. We use the most advanced lab testing available to determine your hormone levels and various health markers. Based on your lab results, your Genemedics Health Institute medical doctor will design a custom health program that will include … Continue reading "Lab Testing" READ MORE

Weight Loss
Thursday, August 3rd, 2017

The U.S. Surgeon General has officially declared obesity an epidemic! Obesity has now surpassed smoking as the number one cause of preventable death in this country. Our health care system now spends an estimated $120 billion a year on obesity-related issues. Currently, two out of every three Americans (62%) are overweight or obese…and the numbers … Continue reading "Weight Loss" READ MORE

The HCG Diet

The HCG Diet
Thursday, August 3rd, 2017

What is the HCG Diet? You may have heard about the amazing results many people are getting with the HCG diet.  The HCG diet is the daily use of a medication called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in conjunction with a very low calorie diet (500 calories).  The claim is that you can lose 1-2 pounds … Continue reading "The HCG Diet" READ MORE

Call 800-277-4041 for a Free Consultation

What to expect during your consultation:
  • Usually takes 15-30 minutes
  • Completely confidential
  • No obligation to purchase anything
  • We will discuss your symptoms along with your health and fitness goals
  • Free post-consult access for any additional questions you may have
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GenemedicsÂŽ Health Institute is a global premier institute dedicated to revolutionizing health and medicine through healthy lifestyle education, guidance and accountability in harmony with functional medicine. Our physician-supervised health programs are personally customized to help you reach your health and fitness goals while looking and feeling better than ever.


Free Consultation


Call 800-277-4041 for a Free Consultation

What to expect during your consultation:

  • Usually takes 15-30 minutes
  • Completely confidential
  • No obligation to purchase anything
  • We will discuss your symptoms along with your health and fitness goals
  • Free post-consult access for any additional questions you may have
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