Preparing for PMS to Feel Your Best

Periods are a fact of life for most women, and unfortunately, they can make people suffer through a series of symptoms often associated with premenstrual syndrome, more commonly known as PMS. Not only can it be hard to deal with the physical pain that ovulation cycles inflict on ladies, but it can also drag them … Continue reading "Preparing for PMS to Feel Your Best"
General HealthHormones For Women
Preparing for PMS to Feel Your Best

Periods are a fact of life for most women, and unfortunately, they can make people suffer through a series of symptoms often associated with premenstrual syndrome, more commonly known as PMS. Not only can it be hard to deal with the physical pain that ovulation cycles inflict on ladies, but it can also drag them through unwanted emotional rollercoaster rides.

While periods are not exactly something that you can stop (and if they do, you may want to get a check-up with your doctor), you can definitely prepare in advance so that you won’t feel as awful once it finally arrives. In this post, we’ll discuss some tips so that you’ll be ready to handle anything your period will be making you go through.

Starting a Period Calendar

You can get any plain old calendar and dress it up if you want, or download a period tracker app on your phone so you can automatically generate some estimated data based on your input. The important thing is that you keep track of when your period starts and ends. Not only that, but you should also take note of how you are feeling during each day of your cycle. Was your period particularly strong that day? Did you experience cramps? Were you feeling down?

Observe these patterns for the next few months, and you should have a better idea of when your period will arrive, as well as which days are particularly difficult for you. With that in mind, make sure not to schedule anything particularly important on those difficult days, such as any important presentations or a planned trek up a mountain.

Eating the Right Food

When your period starts, you begin to lose so much blood that your body no longer has enough iron in your bloodstream. This causes your body to produce less hemoglobin. You could possibly develop iron-deficiency anemia due to this, which can make you feel tired and have a hard time controlling your emotions. In order to combat this, make sure to eat plenty of food that’s rich in iron, such as spinach, lentils, and beans. If you can’t get enough iron by eating, then you may want to look into buying some iron supplements instead.

You should also avoid any meals rich in salt, as this can make your body retain more fluid. More fluid means feeling more bloated, and that can result in your cramps feeling even more painful that before. Packaged and processed food is often full of salt, so it is worth the extra effort to make a nice meal using whole foods at home.

What You Can Do If Symptoms Get Worse

Besides the methods listed above, there are also many other ways to help you get ready for a less painful period. However, if you are experiencing excessive PMS symptoms, you may be experiencing a form of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). In more severe cases like that, it might be best to look into hormone replacement therapy in California.

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