What Low T Can Mean to Your Health

Low testosterone, or low T, is a natural condition for men at ages 50 to 60 since hormone production gradually declines as we get older. Testosterone plays a vital role especially in puberty because it helps in the physical development of the body – hair growth, muscle building, and the male’s sexual function. We’ve all heard it from our doctors having an insufficient amount of testosterone can largely impact your life. While some men do not take this case as a serious health condition, it is important to be aware of what it can mean for your health. You may want to consider the treatment of testosterone replacement therapy in Florida if you are having some health issues which concerns your emotional and physical well-being.
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Your Health

Low testosterone, or low T, is a natural condition for men at ages 50 to 60 since hormone production gradually declines as we get older. Testosterone plays a vital role especially in puberty because it helps in the physical development of the body – hair growth, muscle building, and the male’s sexual function.

We’ve all heard it from our doctors having an insufficient amount of testosterone can largely impact your life. While some men do not take this case as a serious health condition, it is important to be aware of what it can mean for your health. You may want to consider the treatment of testosterone replacement therapy in Florida if you are having some health issues which concerns your emotional and physical well-being.

Here’s what you need to know about the risks of Low T.

  • Low Sex Drive – Testosterone is the main hormone that increases a man’s sex drive. When there is low production of this hormone, it decreases the body’s energy reserves, deprives a man’s ability to have intimate and satisfying sex, and eventually the lack of sex drive becomes an issue for themselves and their partners.Erectile Dysfunction is another health issue caused by low T. As their testosterone drops, men have had difficulties in getting, even keeping an erection; this is mainly because of having low libido and complete lack of energy for engaging in sexual activities.
  • Obesity and Diabetes– Low testosterone has a direct link to diabetes – Testosterone aids with the body tissues to respond to insulin and take up blood sugar; and with low T, it often happens that the body has insulin resistance. The body is having a difficult time processing sugars properly, this results to an increase of blood glucose. Because this, men with low T are more prominent to develop type 2 diabetes.Diabetes and obesity coincide with each other. And aside from diabetes, low T also plays a big factor with obesity in men. The result of the declining testosterone production in your body also leads to the increase of your body fat while also reducing your muscle mass.
  • Heart Problems – A study made by Belgian doctors indicate that there may be a link to low testosterone and cardiovascular disease. A change in hormonal levels greatly affects the heart’s condition.As testosterone deficiency contributes to the risk of diabetes and obesity in men, each of these two health issues are connected to cardiovascular problems because low T – insulin resistance will affect our body’s arteries. Furthermore, men who have high blood pressure are associated with either low or high testosterone levels.Doctors have suggested that a balanced level of testosterone production is indeed a contributing factor to decreasing the risk of heart problems because the male body needs a necessary amount of testosterone from keeping the arteries healthy and to prevent Astherosclerosis.Testosterone deficiency is a serious health condition that is most often neglected. This should not be taken lightly! It’s time for you to consider how to improve your overall well-being. Low testosterone can be managed with testosterone replacement therapy. So, if you’re experiencing some of these health concerns mentioned above, then it is necessary to have a medical checkup and consult with your doctor.

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