HRT and Why Some Men Should Consider It

HRT, or hormone replacement therapy, is a treatment that is used to help restore balance to a person’s hormones. When people hear about this, the usual misconception
General HealthHormones For MenHormone Imbalance in Men
Men Should Consider It

HRT, or hormone replacement therapy, is a treatment that is used to help restore balance to a person’s hormones. When people hear about this, the usual misconception is that HRT is only for women going through menopause. What they do not know is that this treatment is also used by men who are suffering from the effects of lower testosterone levels.

Hormone replacement therapy is used by men who need to return their testosterone levels to normal levels, and for many different reasons. For some, it is used to help deal with hypogonadism, which is a testicular dysfunction that reduces testosterone production. For others, it is used to help return to good health since the decrease of testosterone levels is linked to various health issues like obesity, heart problems, and erectile dysfunction.

What Happens When Testosterone Levels Are Restored

The most common misconception people have when it comes to testosterone and its dropping levels is that it only affects a man’s libido and sexual prowess. A decline in testosterone levels does more than just lower a man’s sex drive and make it difficult to sustain an erection. It actually brings about a number of serious health issues that can be very detrimental to one’s health.

Some of the problems that come about with the decline of testosterone levels include increased body fat, tissue damage, lower bone density, and psychological disorders. A lot of ailments also make an appearance when men age, and some of these are aggravated by decreasing testosterone levels as well. HRT can help return these levels to what they were in your youth and can bring about positive effects on the following:

  • Inflammation – recent tests have shown that when aging men have testosterone levels similar to what they had in their youth, inflammation problems such as arthritis and atherosclerosis are avoided. A study that involved men who were suffering from low testosterone levels and were given testosterone HRT showed significant changes in the levels of inflammation markers.
  • Weight – weight is also one of the things that is affected by an increase in testosterone by way of replacement therapy. This hormone affects fat loss and fat cell metabolism a number of ways – it inhibits fat storage, stimulates the burning of excess fat, enhances muscle growth, and decreases fatty deposits. Tests have shown that men who have undergone testosterone HRT showed a marked decrease in their BMI, weight, and waist circumference.
  • Lipid Metabolism – there seems to be a connection between metabolic syndrome and low plasma testosterone. Since studies have shown that testosterone is linked to the body’s metabolic function, those with low testosterone levels are predisposed to problems such as high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease.
  • Glucose Levels – another problem that arises with low testosterone levels is diabetes. Some tests have shown that men who have lower levels of this hormone are more than likely to be insulin resistant, which can lead to type 2 diabetes. An increase in testosterone can help increase insulin sensitivity, which in turn can help with diabetes.

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