Anti-aging medicine has made huge strides in recent years, and it’s taking on increased respect in the medical community. It’s now considering among the most dynamic branches of medicine, and researchers are finding new insights every day into what causes aging and how the debilitating effects of age can be mitigated. Genemedics is prominent among anti-aging medicine providers in America. Thousands have already worked with Genemedics physicians to create and follow anti-aging programs that really work, based on modern research and using advanced technology.
Bettering your quality of life as you age often comes down to taking simple steps that you’re already familiar with. Eating good, healthy food, for instance, and exercising regularly are among the best things you can do to keep yourself feeling young and vital as you age. Genemedics has studied the research on anti-aging to design programs that have great effects, and exercise and diet are always among the steps necessary to fight aging. Our anti-aging programs rely on the four main tenets of anti-aging medicine:
These programs work in concert to fight the effects of aging, make you healthier, and lower your long-term risk of disease. Moreover, they can extend your longevity, adding years onto your life.
Genemedics subscribes to the old truism: you really are what you eat. Your diet is absolutely crucial to your long-term health, and eating well is one of the best things you can do to keep yourself healthy and strong as you age. But there’s a lot of misinformation floating around the nutrition world, which can especially confuse beginners to the world of health good. Nutrition programs designed by Genemedics are based on the latest research and designed to make you feel better and live longer. Our diets are not trendy, exclusionary diets that cut out important nutrients in order to lose weight in the short term. Instead, they are customized to the patient’s needs and based on the results of a nutrition study you take in your early visits to the clinic. A nutrition program designed by Genemedics takes into account:
Our physicians will use this information to craft a diet plan that will help you work towards your health goals. Throughout the process, you’ll be carefully managed and evaluated by a Genemedics physician, who will review your progress and give you updates on your health status as the program wears on. In anti-aging medicine, it’s not common for the doctor to be that involved in the patient’s progress, but at Genemedics our philosophy is that a strong doctor-patient bond is absolutely crucial to the patient’s long-term improvement. If you keep up with your appointments and follow your nutrition plan, you will see improvements in your health and quality of life.
Exercise is an integral component of your anti-aging program, and though some studies have contested its ability to spur weight loss it’s common knowledge that exercise leads to a healthier life. But many people, especially newcomers to the fitness world, have trouble sticking with exercise programs that place undue stress on their bodies. The benefits of exercise are simply too profound to miss out on. Exercise is proven to help people live longer, feel and look better, lower their risk of disease, improve their mood, improve their sex life, fix mood problems, and improve general quality of life. Considering that amount of change it can produce, there’s just no reason for you not to partake in the benefits of exercise. Studies have shown that exercise can:
Genemedics experts have already helped many patients create programs of exercise that are right for them. Each exercise program is custom-designed for each patient, based on their existing fitness level and lifestyle. Anyone can benefit from a Genemedics program, from fitness enthusiasts already in great shape to absolute novices. It doesn’t require paying for expensive gym memberships or personal trainers, either: working with Genemedics gives you access to our collection of exercise videos that will teach how to perform the necessary exercises to improve your health.
Supplements can be extremely beneficial in your anti-aging process, but it’s important to understand how they’re used and what they’re capable of. Natural supplements can help fill in gaps in your diet, providing the vitamins and minerals that you may not be getting enough of from food. Though it is possible to get all necessary nutrients from diet alone, this requires a complex diet that most people simply don’t follow; therefore, they walk around with deficiencies in crucial minerals like vitamin D and magnesium. Keeping these substances at optimal blood levels is very important to your overall health, and supplementation is a way to ensure that you’re getting the nutrients you need. But supplements can’t fix a diet with too much saturated fat, cholesterol, and salt—instead, they should be taken alongside a healthy diet full of vegetables and lean protein. Compounding the issues with supplements are that the supplement industry is absolutely full of products, many of which make confusing or simply inaccurate claims. It’s hard to tell which are legitimate. And many, even mainstream supplements, are adulterated: a recent study found that many supplements found in huge stores like Wal-Mart actually contained little to none of the bioactive ingredients they were advertised to use. Genemedics, however, can help. Our line of supplements, sold through Genemedics Nutrition, contain only the highest-quality ingredients as determined by nutrition experts. Our products at 100% certified for good manufacturing processes (GMP) by the government, a claim only thirty percent of supplement manufacturers can make. Genemedics supplements contain what they’re purported to contain and do what they’re advertised to do. Our physicians are also experienced in prescribing supplements. In your initial appointment, your nutrition status will be gauged, and then based on the results of extensive tests your doctor will create a program of supplementation for you that includes the nutrients you need for optimal health. Call one of our Oregon clinics today to have your initial consultation and begin perfecting your nutritional intake.
The final component of a Genemedics program is a regimen of bioidentical hormones, prescribed specifically for whatever deficiencies you may experience. Thousands of men and women have already improved their quality of life with Genemedics hormones, and our anti-aging programs can help you too. Call our clinic today to start on the road to a healthier, younger-feeling you.
At the age of 60, I look and feel better than I ever have in my entire life! Switching my health program and hormone replacement therapy regimen over to Genemedics was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life! Genemedics and Dr George have significantly improved my quality of life and also dramatically improved my overall health. I hav...
Nick Cassavetes ,60 yrs old
Movie Director (“The Notebook”, “John Q”, “Alpha Dog”), Actor and Writer
I am now in my mid-sixties and feel better than I did in my 20’s. Many people have commented that I actually look 20 years younger since I started the program at Genemedics.
Calling Dr. George has proven to be one of the best decisions I have made in my life. Doctors and society convince us that developing various health issues and negative sy...
Pamela Hill ,66 yrs old
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Genemedics® Health Institute is a global premier institute dedicated to revolutionizing health and medicine through healthy lifestyle education, guidance and accountability in harmony with functional medicine. Our physician-supervised health programs are personally customized to help you reach your health and fitness goals while looking and feeling better than ever.
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