Hormonal Imbalances: The Cause and Effect of Chronic Insomnia

Most women who are having sleepless nights would probably just try drinking some over-the-counter sleeping pills to try and get some shut-eye.
General HealthHormone Imbalance in Women
Hormonal Imbalances

Most women who are having sleepless nights would probably just try drinking some over-the-counter sleeping pills to try and get some shut-eye. However, when falling asleep becomes a regular challenge, it may already be a case of chronic insomnia. And when it comes to addressing this condition, consistently drinking sleeping pills is not advised. Not only does the effectiveness of sleeping pills drop when used regularly; it can also be a path leading to addiction.

So what are you to do when faced with chronic insomnia? The path to a solution begins with understanding the root cause of the problem. And while it may seem far-fetched, a hormonal imbalance can be related to it.

Knowing the Enemy

But how exactly does a hormonal imbalance trigger this condition, or gets triggered by it? Simply put, hormones regulate sleeping patterns. The hormone estrogen manages the release of energy, while progesterone encourages sleep. If the delicate balance between the two is disturbed, expect sleep to be disrupted.

This means that during your menstrual cycle or at the onset of your menopause, you may experience insomnia, as fewer amounts of those hormones are produced.

On the flip side, stress or anxiety can cause insomnia; the lack of sleep can affect the body’s production of hormones. With your hormone production affected, you can experience sleeplessness. This also starts a dangerous cycle wherein a hormonal imbalance causes insomnia, which then in turn affects hormone production.

Keeping Track and Treatment

That’s why keeping a sleep diary is important. In this diary, you should note the days and times you’re having problems falling asleep, as well as any emotions you’re feeling at that moment. This can help in identifying whether the insomnia is related to the menstrual cycle or is tied to some external factors.

Make sure to keep one even before seeing a specialist. That way, you already have data on hand to present on your first consultation. This data can help the specialist spot any patterns to your insomnia and prescribe the right treatment.

Now, when it comes to treatment of insomnia, there are many options available. These may be as basic as lifestyle changes, such as creating a sleep schedule or going on an exercise routine. However, if the condition persists, an adrenal test may be ordered and hormone replacement therapy may be prescribed.

And when talking of hormone replacement therapy, you have to make sure that you’re consulting the experts. That’s where we at Genemedics come in. With our team composed of certified medical professionals, you are sure to get the help you need. Contact us today and we’ll help you get your sleep back.

Genemedics® Health Institute is a global premier institute dedicated to revolutionizing health and medicine through healthy lifestyle education, guidance and accountability in harmony with functional medicine. Our physician-supervised health programs are personally customized to help you reach your health and fitness goals while looking and feeling better than ever.


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