Good Female Hormonal Health: What Does This Mean?

It is easy to become confused when you are told that you need to have balanced hormones and good female hormonal health in order to have a healthy body.
General HealthHormones For Women
Good Female Hormonal Health

It is easy to become confused when you are told that you need to have balanced hormones and good female hormonal health in order to have a healthy body. What exactly is good hormonal health? How do you determine whether or not you are healthy hormonally or if you are suffering from bad hormonal health?

To put things simply, good hormonal health is achieved when your hormones are at adequate levels and are balanced. This means that the hormones in your body are at the levels they should be at and not one of them is higher or lower than expected. When you are suffering from an imbalance however, you will notice symptoms emerging, and each type of hormonal imbalance brings with it very specific indicators.

Estrogen and progesterone are two of the hormones that women have, and these two have to keep a balanced coexistence in order for a woman’s body to function normally. These two are responsible for a woman’s fertility, and her periods. When either of these two is not at their normal levels, a woman can feel a combination of the many symptoms that indicate such abnormal levels.

If you find yourself with problems that include vaginal dryness, premenstrual breast tenderness, irregular menstrual cycles, and infertility, you may be suffering from hormonal imbalance. This can mean that your estrogen is too high or too low, or your progesterone is not at its normal levels. This can bring about a lot of other symptoms, but not all women may experience all of the effects of such an imbalance. Some can go through just a few of the known indicators of hormonal imbalance, while others can actually experience a long list of woes that are caused by this disparity.

For you to know for certain whether or not your hormones are at levels considered healthy for your age, you have to consult with your doctor. There are tests that can tell you whether or not you are indeed suffering from an imbalance or if you are someone with good hormonal health. The tests that can be performed include completing a checklist of symptoms to see what kind of an imbalance you might be experiencing, and saliva tests. You will also find that blood tests and urine tests can be performed to do the same thing.

Once your doctor finds out if you are indeed hormonally imbalanced, you will be given options for treatments, depending on what kind of imbalance you are suffering from. You may be told to change your diet, your sleeping habits, and to exercise more to help alleviate some of the symptoms you are feeling. You may also be advised to undergo hormone replacement therapy if it is deemed necessary, in order to return your hormones back to a healthy level.

Genemedics® Health Institute is a global premier institute dedicated to revolutionizing health and medicine through healthy lifestyle education, guidance and accountability in harmony with functional medicine. Our physician-supervised health programs are personally customized to help you reach your health and fitness goals while looking and feeling better than ever.


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