Erectile Dysfunction: Its Causes and Symptoms

Erectile Dysfunction: Its Causes and Symptoms There are men who develop a disease called hypogonadism wherein problems in the pituitary glands
General Health
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There are men who develop a disease called hypogonadism wherein problems in the pituitary glands or testicles lead the body to produce inadequate amounts of testosterone. Fortunately, there are clinics that offer testosterone replacement therapy in Florida and other parts of the US. This type of treatment can help improve the condition of men who have hypogonadism.

Another issue that men encounter is erectile dysfunction. This is a condition where a man is incapable of keeping his erection firm. Learn all about it here.

Psychological impotence

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is also classified as a psychological impotence. This is because, instead of physical incapability, the condition is sometimes caused by thoughts. This happens during sexual activity wherein the man is unable to have an erection or keep his erection firm. The penile erection is the result of blood entering the sponge-like bodies in a man’s penis because of sexual arousal. When a man is aroused, signals are sent from the brain and onto the nerves located in the penis. 

Symptoms of ED

You should remember that erection problems every now and then are not that uncommon. However, if the issue persists, you should consult your doctor immediately. Erectile dysfunction can be sign that you have other undetected health problems. This is why you should visit your doctor if you experience the following symptoms:

  • Problems getting an and keeping erection firm
  • Lack of sexual desire
  • Other sexual problems

It is important to consult a doctor or a general practitioner who specializes in male genital problems (urologist) or in hormonal systems (endocrinologist) if such symptoms persist. 

Causes of ED

ED can be caused by a multitude of factors. Arousal involves numerous things like hormones, muscles, blood vessels, and emotions; if you experience problems in any of these things, it might lead to erectile dysfunction.

In addition, here are other causes of ED:

  • Potassium deficiency
  • Neurological problems such as trauma
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Side effects of drug usage
  • Hormonal insufficiencies
  • Alcoholism
  • Sleep disorders
  • Obesity
  • High cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Metabolic syndrome

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