7 Clear Signs That Your Diet Isn’t Working For You
Monday, September 5th, 2016

Dieting has always been an accessible method of controlling one’s weight. But this doesn’t mean that it’s the easiest. There are a lot of factors that go into choosing a diet plan, such as your goals for your body, current lifestyle, and health conditions. Dieters should also be prepared to overcome situations that can cause them to cheat or quit.
Despite your dedication to your current meal plan, you should remember that some diets can do you more harm than good. So how can you know if your current food choices are not working for you? If you’re shifting from one diet to another, how can you tell if your body is simply going through an adjustment period or if your new menu isn’t compatible with your lifestyle? These are clear signs that your eating habits aren’t doing your body any favors.

  1. Excessive weight loss or gain – Gaining or losing too much weight after a diet change can mean that the food you are eating is filled with empty calories and/or lacks nutritional value.
  2. A perpetual state of fatigue – Lethargy can be caused by unstable sugar levels in the body, or a diet lacking in proteins, unsaturated fats, carbohydrates, and nutrients.
  3. A hunger that never goes away – This is typically caused by eating foods that lack protein, unsaturated fat, and fiber, all of which give you the feeling of being full.
  4. Inability to concentrate – This may mean that your diet lacks omega-3, the fatty acids that play a crucial role in optimizing brain function.
  5. Poor immune system – The immune system requires various micronutrients like copper, iron, selenium, and zinc, as well as vitamins and minerals, to function properly.
  6. Oral health issues – Dental caries indicate high sugar intake, while tooth loss and bleeding or swollen gums can be caused by low levels of vitamin C.
  7. Digestive problems – A diet lacking in soluble fiber can lead to slow nutrient absorption and bowel movement disruptions.
    Our Personalized Nutrition Plans

At Genemedics Health Institute, we offer personalized nutrition plans based on the client’s lifestyle, fitness goals, exercise schedule, baseline body composition, and — believe it or not — food preferences. Learn more about how we can help you adopt and maintain healthy eating habits that work. Get in touch with us by calling 800-277-4041 today and scheduling a consultation with our clinics in Michigan and Arizona.

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