4 Outdoor Activities Seniors Can Enjoy
Wednesday, July 20th, 2016

Just because you are advancing in age does not mean that you cannot enjoy any outdoor activity. Health is wealth after all, and you must exercise to be able to stay healthy. However, at your age, high-impact activities and collision sports are no longer ideal workout routines. Your body is not as young as it used to be, and it is better that you try something that offers more freedom of movement.

If you are looking for some exercises to help you lose weight or clear your mind, try these four enjoyable activities.

  • Water Sports or Aerobics
    While in the water, your body becomes buoyant. In this state, you can freely move your body and relieve the stress and strain on your joints. Besides swimming, you can do stretches to help boost the strength of your bones and muscles.
  • Walking
    Walking is a beneficial way to start your workout. This activity does not require any special facilities and it can be done alone or with a group. Walking will also help strengthen your heart and lower the risk of getting certain diseases.
  • Tai Chi
    Tai chi is an internal martial art that originated in China. Unlike most martial arts, tai chi does not rely on fast movements or hitting an opponent. Described as meditation in movement, it utilizes slow and fluid motions and breathing exercises. What’s more, each stance helps improve your muscle strength, flexibility, and balance.
  • Golf
    Golf might not be the most exciting activity to a casual viewer. However, by requiring the player to go through 18 holes and numerous swings, this sport offers a great way to improve the muscles and joints in your arms and legs. Aside from being a fun activity, playing golf under the sun will also help you get your daily dose of vitamin D.
  • Level Up Your Game with Hormone Replacement Therapy
    Menopause and andropause may bring about the loss of motivation and fatigue, which can sometimes ruin your game. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a treatment that relieves you of the symptoms associated with these conditions. The treatment will correct your hormone levels and give your step a youthful spring.

Genemedics Health Institute is a leading center for anti-aging and hormone replacement. Consult with our doctors today so we can create a treatment that is unique to your need. We also offer bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), lab testing, and weight loss programs to help you get in shape even in your 60s. Swing by any of our clinics located in the Beverly Hills area for more information.

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What to expect during your consultation:

  • Usually takes 15-30 minutes
  • Completely confidential
  • No obligation to purchase anything
  • We will discuss your symptoms along with your health and fitness goals
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